Nuclear Astro Meeting
Low Energy Meeting
Organizing Committee
Working Groups
Past Meetings
White Papers
Neutron Beams, s-process, and NIF
We are interested in any comments on the future of nuclear astrophysics
research with respect s-process nucleosynthesis, neutron beam measurements and
facilities, and measurements in High Energy Density Plasmas at NIF, among
other facilities.
We are interested in any comments on how the draft white
paper could be improved.
Please contact Aaron (acouture at lanl.gov) or Lee
(bernstein2 at llnl.gov) to send your recommendations.
Submissions will be
posted here as soon as possible.
Preliminary Schedule:
15:00 C. Brune NIF Measurements
15:15 H. Y. Lee Neutron induced reactions for Nuclear Astrophysics
15:30 S. Siem
15:45 A. Voinov Experimental Study of Model Inputs to Calculate Astrophysics Reaction Rates
15:50 M. Barbui S-factor Measurements Using Exploding Clusters
15:55 Community Input & Discussion
Role of neutron beam facilities
Role of HEPD Facilities
Ownership of facilities in relation to Nuclear Astro